Smoke on the water ringtones
Smoke on the water ringtones

smoke on the water ringtones

Incidentally, calling the cops was not easy. whether the police ever turned up I'm not sure. Fortunately the music ceased at about 11 p.m. I may be a cranky old man, but at 10:15 p.m. I am not exaggerating when I say it was the loudest event we've experienced in the seven years we've lived in this flat. We heard music intermittently throughout the day yesterday, starting with singing in the morning, and last night there was a cranking celebration complete with a DJ and booming sound system. You know how I mentioned the neighborhood party we heard on Friday night? Well, that turned out to be just a mild preview of what was to come. I thought it was pretty funny but I was surprised when we came back at least an hour later, on our way home, and he was STILL THERE! So Olga and I rested on the grass a few moments while I made a video, to share with you this guy's enthusiastic rendition of "Smoke on the Water." I'm not sure he's doing his vocal cords any favors, but he seems to be having fun. On the way we passed a guy sitting on a bench on West End Green positively belting out songs, a capella.

smoke on the water ringtones

With my conscience lighter, and the blue sky beckoning us outside, Olga and I walked to the cemetery in the afternoon. Now I feel like I have everything under control, at least as much as possible in this time of relative uncertainty.

#Smoke on the water ringtones professional

We've realized that between my trip and one Dave has planned in late July and early August - to a professional development conference and to see his family - we're going to be apart for much of the summer. Then I went a step farther and booked a 3-day stay on the Isle of Wight for Dave, Olga and me at the end of June. Petersburg with my stepsister, and plotted out the timing of my visit and wrote my brother and some friends I hope to see. Then I sat down and planned out my Florida trip. First I took care of everything around the house I could think of - the cleaning, the laundry, the houseplants, the gardening. Yesterday morning I was determined to put my life in order. It's always alive with bees and other bugs. You can see pinkish foxglove, purple comfrey, blue alkanet, yellow buttercups, lots of blooming grasses, a couple of tall teasels and some great willowherb, among other things. This unruly tangle of green is what the wildflower garden looks like now.

Smoke on the water ringtones